
Russell has 20 years of expertise in finding solutions to legal disputes and offers dispute resolution in the following areas:

Family separation

When people have separated and want to divorce (or are contemplating this) there are a myriad of issues to work through – where do you start?
Russell looks at this holistically and break it down to prioritise those issues below.

Parenting arrangements:

A consideration of legal issues such as who has parental responsibility, what is in the best interests of a child, and practical matters such as time a child will spend with each parent, how will this occur, communication, travel and schooling for example.

Property and financial matters:

Negotiating how property will be divided between parties, what matters are taken into account, spousal maintenance, determining values of assets and liabilities.

Child support agreements and change of assessment applications:

Negotiating what is an appropriate amount according to parent’s circumstances, method of payment, extraordinary expenses, such as medical and schooling. Applying for and responding to a change of assessment application to take account of special circumstances , incurring of extraordinary costs or a changing financial situation.

Childrens’ Court care matters:

Dealing with applications to vary contact arrangements or other matters as referred by the Court.

Youth justice conferencing:

Pursuant to restorative justice principles, a young offender, the victim and others are brought together in a conference to acknowledge harm done, understand why and how an offence happened, the trauma suffered and ultimately reach agreement on an outcome between the parties.

Workplace disputes

Resolving those issues around bullying, misconduct and conflict so that a workplace is a dynamic and happy place to work with relationships repaired.